Young People’s Experiences of Dentistry in Northamptonshire

In December 2024, Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire held two focus groups in Northamptonshire secondary schools, asking questions about their experiences. Questions ranged from how often they see a dentist to ones intended to understand their knowledge of maintaining good oral health and where to access information regarding this.
The feedback we received was mixed. For example, in response to "How close is your dentist? Is it easy to get to?", some young people told us it was within walking/driving distance, while for others this wasn’t the case.
Answers included:
“Cambridge, it was the only place that was taking on patients. My mum drove me.”
“I travel to Lithuania to go to the dentist. My family find it cheaper and more trustworthy"
The responses to all our focus group questions have been put into a report, which can be read below!