The care you receive in an NHS hospital is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. This page tells you where to start when you want to sort out a problem with an NHS hospital.
NHS care is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. This page tells you more about how to raise concerns about health services that aren’t GPs, hospitals and dentists.
NHS dental care is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. This page tells you where to start if you have a problem with an NHS dentist.
The care you receive from a GP is usually very good and most people don’t have any problems. But occasionally things can go wrong. This page tells you where to start when you want to sort out a problem with a GP.
Healthwatch Northamptonshire has been working in partnership with Northamptonshire County Council on a pilot project to monitor the quality of home (domiciliary) care services.
We asked 173 people in the A&E waiting area at NGH about what other services they had tried to access before going to A&E and what their experience was
Healthwatch Northamptonshire (HNW) wants to ensure that the views of children, young people and families are gathered and heard and positively influence current changes in health care for children and young people.