Managing hearing loss and tinnitus during Covid-19

Find out about services and help available for those with hearing loss and Tinnitus during Covid-19 and how professionals can communicate better with people with hearing loss
Lady standing in a hospital

Hearing loss is a life-changing condition that affects people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Research points to the links between hearing loss and increased risk of social isolation, poor mental health, and early cognitive decline. 

Face-to-face interactions are vital for reducing isolation for those with hearing loss, and ensuring they are able to communicate effectively with those around them. During these times when so many services are moving online or over the phone, it is key that individuals with hearing loss are able to continue to access services to reduce the risks of further isolation.

There are various levels of hearing loss, including profound deafness. Many of the 120,000 D/deaf individuals living in the UK today will use British Sign Language as their first language. Without access to resources and support in sign language they will miss out on vital information and can become more isolated.


Download their information leaflet for more information about hearing loss and local contact details

Managing hearing loss and tinnitus during Covid-19

Local support from Deafconnect

Deafconnect provides support for people locally, including their Hard of Hearing Service and support groups.

Visit the Deafconnect website for more information or contact the Hard of Hearing service directly on:

Telephone: 01604 589011

Mobile: 07506 621867


How to communicate better with people with hearing loss

COVID-19 poses a unique challenge for health and social care professionals when talking to someone with hearing loss. Here are some important tips to help you communicate effectively.

Find out more