Coronavirus: Local services and updates

Last updated: 20/04/2021
If you have symptoms of coronavirus (new, continuous cough / high temperature / loss or change in sense of smell or taste), please self-isolate and get tested as soon as you can. Find out how to book a test and see testing locations in Northamptonshire.
Find local information in other languages on Northamptonshire's Countywide Services website.
Northamptonshire Councils
Find the latest local and national coronavirus updates affecting Northamptonshire on the website. This includes health advice and guidance, changes to council services and events, and support available for businesses and educational settings.
How do I request support from volunteers if I'm self-isolating in Northamptonshire and need help?
Call 0300 126 1000 and select Option 5 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, including bank holidays)
Find out more about the support available in Northamptonshire
- Adult Social Care - If you have any concerns about your own support needs due to the Coronavirus situation, call their Customer Service Centre on 0300 126 1000 and one of their advisors will try to help you. If your call is not urgent please use their website to access their services or alternatively email
Health and care services
Kettering General Hospital
Service Provision during Coronavirus and the latest about the lifting of some of the restrictions.
Northamptonshire's hospitals are warning that visitors should strictly follow infection control guidance and maintain their hands, face, space observance to minimise the risk of Covid-19 being passed on.
Updates about revised arrangements for birth partners, restarting home births and the maternity COVID-19 hotline (07813 363710 or 07974 259347 Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm)
Northampton General Hospital
Advice and information for vistitors and the latest about the lifting of some of the restrictions.
From Wednesday, May 5, both hospitals are starting to allow some booked visiting while maintaining existing arrangements for maternity, end-of-life care and for patients with learning disabilities.
Key changes announced today at both Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals are:
- Generally one visitor will be allowed per patient for an allocated timeslot. The visit must be booked in advance. Visitors must be from the same household or family bubble. (see below on how to book)
- Wards which have infected or exposed patients cannot be visited except by exception for end-of-life-care purposes
- Children are not allowed to visit
- A&E, outpatients, urgent care (including Esther White and Walter Tull wards at NGH) and diagnostic visits remain restricted to the patient attending only – unless there are exceptional circumstances where a relative/carer is needed to enable the visit. They may have to wait outside the clinical area while the patient is treated.
- Children’s wards – two parents or guardians per child can visit and one parent can stay overnight with their child
- Maternity visiting remains the same as already announced at both hospitals.
- End of life patients are allowed open visiting where possible with one visitor per side room. This will be based on individual arrangements to suit the needs of patients and their loved ones.
- Visiting times and arrangements for patients with learning disabilities will be arranged on an individual basis depending on the patient’s needs.
Additional updates:
Blood Taking Unit - Update 01/09/2020:
The blood taking unit (phlebotomy) has re-opened in its original location on the Northampton General Hospital site, Area H, for paediatric and adult patients.
We have made a change to our service and all patients must now have an appointment to attend the blood taking unit.
Appointments for blood taking can be booked online by clicking here or by going to
If you are unable to book via the online facility, appointments for both paediatric and adult blood taking can be booked Monday to Friday between 9am and 3:30pm by phoning 01604 544190 or 01604 523303
Changes to eye casualty service from Monday 12 May 2020:
To help to keep our patients and staff safe we are changing the way we operate our eye casualty service. The service will no longer operate as a walk-in service. Instead patients will need to contact us by phone before coming to the hospital. This means our team can provide support and medical advice over the phone, without patients needing to come to hospital. If you do need to come to the hospital for medical help the team will arrange this with you. Please contact the service on 01604 545085 or 01604 634700 ext 8011. Eye casualty services are available: Monday- Saturday 8.30am- 4.30pm, Sundays and Bank Holidays- 9.00am- 12.30pm
From Monday 15 June 2020 all outpatients attending a face to face appointment at either the hospital site or elsewhere must wear a cloth face covering or face mask. NGH are unable to supply face coverings but have put measures in place to ensure you are able to socially distance from other patients. Their staff will be wearing surgical masks for protection.
Update about restarting home births
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT)
Important Coronavirus (COVID-19) information (23 April) and Information about phone and online mental health support (see more below).
Visiting at NHFT hospitals is still limited but allowed based on individual needs and care plans (and with infection prevention controls in place).
Update about visiting - June 2020
Additional visiting requirements - August 2020
The Department of Health and Social Care has advised that the Local Authority Social Services and NHS Complaints Regulations 2009 have not been repealed or amended, and all healthcare organisations must continue to comply with them. However, they have agreed that in some settings it may take longer to respond to a complaint and consider it permissible up until 30 April for this to go beyond the usually required six months.
This will be effective from 1 February to 30 April 2021. Every effort should be made to avoid developing backlogs of complaints where it is possible to investigate and respond to the issues raised.
Visiting local hospitals
Find the latest information for visiting Kettering General Hospital and Northampton General Hospital.
Find out more about virtual visiting at KGH and NGH
Visiting restrictions ease at Northamptonshire Community and Mental Health inpatient facilities
Visiting restrictions at Northamptonshire’s community hospitals, hospices and mental health inpatient wards – including Children and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) - are easing. This is in line with the lifting of national lockdown restrictions, and the recent announcement made by the county’s two acute Trusts – Kettering General and Northampton General – about the easing of visiting restrictions at the two hospitals.
Key visiting guidance for NHFT wards is as follows:
- Visitors should be free of COVID-19 symptoms for ten days preceding their visit date
- Individuals deemed clinically extremely vulnerable are advised not to visit
- All individuals intending to visit should take a lateral flow test not more than 72 hours before the visit date. Visitors will be required to show evidence of a negative test when they arrive
- All visitors must wash their hands on entry to the visiting area, and wear a suitable face mask or covering. If exempt from wearing a face mask or covering, this must be declared and discussed with the ward team prior to the visit.
VoiceAbility is continuing to provide advocacy services where this is practical and safe. There is nothing in the Coronavirus Act which could suspend people’s rights to advocacy under the Mental Health Act 1983, Mental Capacity Act 2005 or the Care Act 2014. This means that health and social care professionals’ legal duties to refer eligible people for advocacy still apply.
Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital with symptoms of coronavirus. For other conditions or medical checks, etc. phone your GP or look on the website, do not go to the surgery unless you have an appointment. They may arrange a telephone or online consultation instead. Call your GP practice or visit the website to find out. (There is further advice for professionals here.)
Have you got the NHS App? The new NHS App allows you to order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical records, manage your GP appointments, set organ donation preferences, and check symptoms.
If you need help from a dentist:
- contact your dental practice by phone or email.
- you will be given advice or offered an appointment if appropriate.
- for urgent dental care you can also use the NHS 111 online service.
Update on access to NHS Dental Services in the Midlands - March 2021
The Oral Health Foundation has information explaining what changes you might experience during your next visit to the dentist here
Cransley Hospice - Visitor update to Cransley Hospice.
Cynthia Spencer - See NHFT for visiting restrictions. They have advice about keeping in touch with patients remotely on their Twitter page.

Mental health support
For local support and services give one of NHFT's friendly mental health navigators a call, any time of the day or night: 0800 448 0828 - Lines available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
You can also refer yourself to the NHFT Changing Minds IAPT service. IAPT is for anyone aged 17 and half and over with mild to moderate depression and/or an anxiety disorder. It can be accessed via an online referral form (where you can also request an interpreter if needed). There is also an option to complete programmes via an online portal called SilverCloud (both these options allow individuals to interact without using the telephone, and then appointments can be made via text or email).
Children and Young people:
Northamptonshire’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) crisis service is now available 24 hours a day. Telephone 08.30 – 22.00 7 days per week - 0300 1111 022 (Option 1), 22.00-08.30 7 days per week - 0300 330 1011. You can also text Shout to 85258 (find out more). If your life is at imminent risk, call 999 for emergency help.
Or you can live chat with an advisor over the website - CAMHS Live, Monday - Friday 9am - 9pm
Or you can still get support in person. Young people’s ‘Espresso Yourself’ Wellbeing cafés are running at:
- The Lowdown Café Track, Northampton, Monday and Friday 4 - 8 pm
- Youth Works at Corby Mind, Tuesday, 4 - 8 pm
- Youth Works, Kettering, Thursday 4 - 8 pm.
You can drop-in or pre-book an appointment with a support worker. Contact details are: The Lowdown, 01604 634385 or email:, and Youth Works 01536 518339
The School Nursing service is still operational and is still available for advice via their text service, Chat Health: 07507 329 600
Youth Works Northamptonshire has an online live chat every Monday and Tuesday, 5pm - 7pm where a young person, parent or carer can message to receive mental health support and advice. This is available via their Facebook and Instagram pages
The Lowdown now has an Online emotional support chatbot or wellbeing support helpline: 01604 622223 (both monitored between 1:00pm and 3:30pm Tuesday to Friday and Mondays 1:00pm to 7:30pm). More wellbeing resources and videos are also available on their website.

Covid Household Winter Support Scheme
The COVID-19 Household Winter Support Scheme is available to help households, especially those with children, who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic and are struggling to stay warm and put food on the table this winter.
The scheme is intended to provide one-off assistance to help families with their essential bills.
If you're struggling with money and feel unable to afford food or utilities you may be able to access this through Covid Household Winter Support Scheme local referral partners.
From 6 October, the CQC will begin to roll out a transitional regulatory approach, starting with adult social care and dental services.
The transitional regulatory approach is flexible and builds on what was learned during the height of the pandemic. The key components are:
- A strengthened approach to monitoring, with clear areas of focus based on existing Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOEs), to enable them to continually monitor risk in a service
- Use of technology and local relationships to have better direct contact with people who are using services, their families and staff in services
- Inspection activity that is more targeted and focused on where we have concerns, without returning to a routine programme of planned inspections.
Local community support, good neighbour schemes and volunteering
Good neighbour schemes use volunteers to help people who need help and support with things like shopping, dog walking, gardening and collecting prescriptions. They are now offering support for people who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK - You can find your nearest Mutual Aid group here. Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK is a support network for people organising in their communities. Local support groups are not directly affiliated with Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK. PLEASE NOTE: Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK is run entirely by volunteers and not medical professionals.
- Northamptonshire's county council's Volunteering - In addition to the Government's volunteer scheme for people to help the NHS, NCC is co-ordinating a local effort along with other councils and partner organisations for people to help their community. They want to hear from people who can volunteer or who represent a community group that needs extra volunteers in the coming weeks and months.
- Daventry District Council - DDC has set up an online system for anyone requiring support (such as prescription collection, and shopping) during this time. The form and further information can be found on the Daventry District Council website.
- One Wellingborough - their qualified and DBS-checked team will listen and help by linking those in need with volunteers and relevant services. Anyone can call 01933 677326 or email Phones are open from 9am – 4pm (Monday-Friday). A message can be left outside these hours.
Voluntary and community organisations
- Northamptonshire Carers - Although Northamptonshire Carers office is closed to visitors: The Northamptonshire Carers Support Line remains open on 01933 677907; Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.
Citizens Advice
- National advice
- Central and East Northamptonshire - Face to face advice has been suspended and their advice service remains available through telephone and email. Full details of each service, including contact methods, is available from the Adviceline 03444 111 444 or their Email Service.
- Daventry and District - "Following the Governments announcement on January 4th 2021 stating that England is locked down due to the pandemic. We are closed to face to face appointments from 5th January. Please use the following number to contact us on the Adviceline number: 03444889629 or call us on 01327-701646 leave your name and number we will call you back within 3 working days" If you would rather be supported via email please complete the online enquiry form.
- Corby and Kettering - Face to face advice has been suspended. They are currently providing telephone advice only via the AdviceLine: 03444 111 444. For emergencies only, you can call them on 01536 482281 (Kettering) or 01536 265501 (Corby).
Domestic abuse
Locally, the following sources of support are available:
- VOICE - - (currently providing telephone and video support due to the coronavirus situation) - 0300 303 1965
- You can also download the Voice Home Support Hub app
- EVE – or call 01604 230311
- Northampton Domestic Abuse Service (NDAS) – or call 0300 0120154
Read more local advice on Northamptonshire's county council's website
Older and vulnerable people
- Age UK Northamptonshire - They are continuing to support their clients during the current lockdown restrictions - Find out more
- Alzheimer’s Society local services update
- Northampton Town FC, Keep Calm and Cobbler On - The club's Community Trust has set up a phone call based befriending service for older and vulnerable people in the community and are also developing online content to support families, older adults and vulnerable people to stay mentally and physically active over the coming weeks.
- Reach for Health - Reach for Health Centre is running a telephone service to assist with improving the caller’s independence, wellbeing and mental health. They can help with social isolation, concerns over wellbeing and advice on activity and exercise. The helpline is: 01327 828 260 and is open from 10am to 4pm each day. Find more information about their service.
- Northamptonshire Sports - Help to keep Active at Home this winter and Get Up & Go Strength and Balance Classes
Volunteer centres and community transport
Many of the community transport schemes are still running a service. Contact them directly to find out more. All the contact details are in this guide.
- Corby Voluntary and Community Services (CVCS) - Call CVCS on 07385 924343 or email to find out about their services.
- Daventry Volunteer Centre - click on the link to find out about their services.
- Northampton Volunteer Car Scheme and Northampton Door to Door Service (NDDS) - Both are running additional services during the pandemic, such as collection of shopping and prescriptions. These services are available to anyone who is vulnerable in Northampton, not just those who are members. Find the latest updates.
- NVCA (Nene Valley Community Action) - "NVCA will only accept DBS forms via the post. No visits to our office in Rushden. We hope to return to normal working conditions as soon as possible."
- Serve (East Northamptonshire) - Links to how to contact them are on their homepage and they have an update on their services. Serve is in partnership with the Community Resilience Hub set up by the Government which is being led by East Northamptonshire District Council. Their direct crisis service delivery is coordinating and supporting individuals in the community with essential groceries and prescription and hearing aid battery collection, along with 500 wellbeing befriending telephones call being made each week. If you know of anyone in the community who needs additional support, please get in touch with their Community Wellbeing Resilience Team: Mental Health, Family or Financial Support contact on Cheryl Smith on 07764 560863; Shopping, Prescription Collections or Essential Deliveries contact Gemma Hager on 07747 245631.
- Shire Community Services (Wellingborough) - Contact them for more information.
- SNVB (South Northants Volunteer Bureau) - Members of staff are currently working their normal hours from home. Please contact as normal via email or telephone. They will return telephone messages as soon as possible. The Brackley office is also still currently closed with staff working from home. Please continue to call the Brackley office phone numbers and leave a message or send e-mail.
- Towcester Area Door to Door (TADD) - They still have a reduced team of volunteer drivers available for any member requiring the service. They are unable to help with shopping and other errands. They now offer free Temporary TADD Membership for NHS COVID Vaccine appointments.
- Volunteer Action Oundle - "Due to the latest Covid-19 restrictions in England, we are temporarily closing our office at Fletton House. However WE ARE STILL OPERATING and staff are working from home. Please do not hesitate to contact us for the services. The usual contact details and office hours apply. Phone 01832 275433, email:"
- Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire - VIN is collating information about voluntary services in Northampton and has links to resources as well as news about their own services.
East Northants Community Services - read the latest news.
Young people's support
- Service Six - Is still providing advice and support to young people with Facebook updates and online one-to-one and group sessions.
- The Lowdown - Is offering remote support and has useful links on their website.
- Northamptonshire’s CAMHS crisis service now available 24 hours - see 'Mental Health' section above for details.
- Youth Works Northamptonshire has an online live chat every Monday and Tuesday, 5pm - 7pm where a young person, parent or carer can message to receive mental health support and advice. This is available via their Facebook and Instagram pages
- Northampton Town FC, Keep Calm and Cobbler On - the club has set up a free mental health first aid hotline for teachers in our partner schools to support and provide them with coping strategies at this very uncertain time. For more information on this please contact Other services being provided are; supporting their network of mental health first aiders who they have trained over the past few months by sending out tips and advice for supporting other staff within their school or business, spare coaching staff to attend for additional hours where possible in their partner schools free of charge and developing online content to support families, older adults and vulnerable people to stay mentally and physically active over the coming weeks. More information.
- Local Offer - Special Educational Needs coronavirus guidance - Information, resources and guidance relating to coronavirus for families with children and young people with special educational needs (SEN).
Young people's activities and internet safety
- Activity Resources for young people from Home - NAYC has put together a list of some great ideas, activities and resources for the young people who are now stuck at home
- Online Safety Agreement - A template for discussions with young people about internet safety, from NCC
- Professionals Advice Sheet – Online Safety - Keeping on top of the latest trends, from NCC
- Online Safety Guide for Parents & Carers - Northamptonshire's county council's advice for parents and carers, from NCC
- Northamptonshire Sports - Active Northants online exercise and activity classes for teenagers
Other organisations
- Community Law Service provide specialist advice in the following areas: Debt, Welfare Benefits, Housing, Energy Advice and Immigration. Read their update about services during the pandemic.
- Deafconnect - DeafConnect is offering an online and telephone service. The office telephone is manned Monday-Thursday. Contact.
- Headway East Northants - They have closed their Irthlingborough centre for the time being, due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak crisis. Look out for updates on their Twitter page.
- Hope Centre - The Hope Centre is continuing to providing an adapted service that ensures those without shelter and those in poverty are supported. Read more.
- NAB (Northamptonshire Association for the Blind) - Their resource centre is closed on a temporary basis. Their phone lines will still be open and their community support workers will be able to help you over the telephone, please call (01604) 719193 or email
- Northamptonshire ACRE - Staff are home working and can be contacted as described on their website. They are offering support and advice to community groups who are offering support to neighbours.
- Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service (NDAS) - They are still manning their 24 hour advice line and their refuges are still open. Please do call them if you need help on 0300 0120154. If you can’t speak they can support you via email or text. Email and the worker on duty can give you their number to text them on. For any general enquires email:, For advice and support email: You can also find more advice about support here.
- Northamptonshire Safeguarding Adults Board
- Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership - Read about their safeguarding arrangements during COVID-19
- Reach for Health - Reach for Health Centre is running a telephone service to assist with improving the caller’s independence, wellbeing and mental health. They can assist with personal occupational issues such as helping a person to combat anxiety from being socially isolated, to advice with self-care health management and completing activities of daily living. The helpline is: 01327 828 260 and is open from 10am to 4pm each day. Find more information about their service. The centre has also put together 12 exercise plans designed to keep people active and also tailored to individuals who may have disabilities.
- Substance to Solution - Before attending an appointment, please call to check it's still going ahead. There might be some changes to opening times too, so please ring before coming in. Their groups are not currently running. If you're worried about something, please get in touch. You can contact them on 0808 169 8512 or email them on
- Voluntary Impact - Information on where to go for support in each area, funding for individuals, local supermarket updates, and working from home advice.
- Voice for Victims and Witnesses - the free, confidential support service for victims and witnesses of crime in Northamptonshire released the Voice Home Support Hub app, to help people cope and recover from the effects of crime during social distancing. The app is available for download now, for free, here. You can also call 0300 303 1965 or visit Find out more about Voice here.
Message from Northamptonshire Police
In the present climate we are having to rethink the ways in which we engage and keep in touch with you and your community. Rachel and Christian (Community Engagement Officers) do however want to maintain our contact. If you want to keep in touch with us we are still available on the phone, by text, by email or WhatsApp. Please let us know if you have any community policing concerns. If you need to report a crime or police emergency, please call 101 or 999. We have attached our leaflet and some information below about hate crime, police recruitment, personal and home safety.
Rachel; Tel. 07557 347227
Christian; Tel. 07557 778181
Scam awareness
Whilst there are lots of people and groups who are doing amazing work in local communities, we need to be aware that there are people who will use the current situation to exploit others for their own benefit. Scams can come in the form of people knocking on your door, fraudulent emails, phone calls, text messages or posts via social media. Fraudsters will attempt to get recipients to disclose personal or financial information or click on links that may contain malware - which then will be used for their own fraudulent purposes.
Find out more on the Northamptonshire Trading Standards page and find a list of scams on the National Trading Standards page.
Two examples of scams are:
1. Breached stay home regulations scam - Fraudulent text messages from .GOV.UK issuing fines for leaving homes.
2. Free school meals scam - Fraudulent messages to parents entitled to free school meals requesting bank details.
Detailed counter fraud advice is available online, including from Scamsmart, ActionFraud, CIFAS, TakeFive, Citizens Advice, Trading Standards and the National Cyber Security Centre.
The Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board has informed us of the following scam involving calls from somebody claiming to be from Public Health England, asking residents if they had received their letter from the government and then asking if they have support from family and friends, etc. and trying to obtain personal details.
If you receive any such fraudulent contact please report via:
- Action Fraud, 0300 123 2040
- Citizens Advice Consumer helpline, 0808 223 1133
- To report offers of financial assistance from HMRC contact