Young people's experiences of vaping in West Northamptonshire

The results from Young Healthwatch's piece of work surrounding young people's views on using vapes and nicotine products has now been published.

In the autumn of 2023 Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire was commissioned by Public Health West Northamptonshire to gather the views of young people in West Northamptonshire who use vapes or similar nicotine products. We carried this out by speaking to young people in a focus group or one to one setting.

Public Health West Northamptonshire wanted to understand the motivation for young people to use vapes and electronic cigarettes so that they can build a specific service for young people to support them in stopping vaping. Despite the fact that it is illegal for young people to buy nicotine vaping products, it is thought that 69% of vape users are currently aged 11 to 17 across the country.

The full report can be read below, as well as an easy read version.

Read the report:
Read the easy read report:

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