Corby Urgent Care Centre Visit Report

We teamed up with volunteers from Healthwatch Rutland to listen to people's experiences of using the service over two days - the 11th February and 17th February 2023.
Three volunteers and a member of staff from Healthwatch North and West Northamptonshire and Healthwatch Rutland visited the CUCC. The visits were at the request of CUCC as part of their commitment to engage with, and get feedback from, members of the public as part of their programme of continuous improvement.
We engaged with 38 people in total, 24 people in person and 14 people through an online survey in Rutland and Northamptonshire.
The majority of people we spoke to during the visits and who responded to the online survey were ‘walk-in’ patients rather than having a pre-booked appointment.
Overall patients were very satisfied with the service received, with 79% of people from the survey rating their overall experience at the centre as ‘very good’.