Quick poll results - Three-quarters of you would like to be involved in producing your care plan

Our June 2018 quick poll asked you about how you want to be involved in planning for your care as you get older.

We asked you this on behalf of the Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership who are looking at how to transform the county's health and care services and have shared the results with them. Thank you to the 89 people who took part!

Over half of you (59%) would prefer to work with health and care professionals to produce a shared care plan about what care you require and to remain in your own home for as long as possible. 15% would like health and care professionals to work with you to produce a shared care plan and where it should be providedTherefore 74% would prefer to be involved in producing their care plan. 7% of you would prefer the decisions to be made by health and care professionals and 16% did not want to think about planning for being older and or frail at the moment. 

Question: Health and care organisations would like to provide greater services in local communities and in individual’s homes, particularly as we age and become more frail. Which statement most closely fits your view of how you would like to be supported as you become older?

  • Option 1 - I would like health and care professionals to decide what support I need and where it should be provided.
  • Option 2 - I would like health and care professionals to work with me to produce a shared care plan about what care I need and where I should receive it.
  • Option 3 - I would like health and care professionals to work with me and to produce a shared care plan about what care I need and to remain in my home for as long as it is practical and safe for me to do so.
  • Option 4 - Planning for being older and becoming frail is not something I want to think about at the moment.

53% of those answering said they had a long-term condition and 55% were under 50 years old. 20% of answers were from people aged 70-89.

Look out for our future quick polls so you can continue to have your say to make health and care services in Northamptonshire work for you.

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