Our Volunteer roles

There are different ways in which you can become involved depending on your interests and how much time you would like to commit.

The volunteer roles are summarised below and more information can be obtained from the volunteer handbook or by contacting us (including if you need information in a different format). Training appropriate to each role is provided.

Young people talking

Young Healthwatch 

We are looking for young people in Northamptonshire between 11 to 24 years old who are keen to make a difference in health and social care and are interested in young people's rights and wellbeing.

Planning Group Member 

The planning group is made up of volunteers from diverse backgrounds who meet regularly to discuss and respond to current local issues in health and social care. They form ‘task and finish’ groups to undertake projects and make recommendations.

Authorised Representative

An authorised representative is a trained volunteer who can 'enter and view' health and social care settings in Northamptonshire and help to gather the experiences and views of patients, consumers, carers and the wider public. They may also represent Healthwatch at meetings and be a member of the planning group. To become an authorised representative, you will need:

  • to be over the age of 18 years
  • to supply two references
  • to have a satisfactory DBS check
  • to complete training in ‘Enter and View’ and Safeguarding

Community Engagement Volunteer

This role focuses on public and patient engagement, helping us to listen to individual experiences of health and social care services and collect evidence directly from service users at our ‘Pop Up Shops’. The role also involves publicising Healthwatch Northamptonshire and what we do within local groups and communities, e.g. coffee mornings, community group and events.

Ask about volunteering with us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Volunteer handbook Contact us

Download the full role description

Planning Group Member role description
Task and Finish Group Member role description
Authorised Representative role description
Community Engagement Volunteer role description

Our Volunteer agreement

Volunteer agreement

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