The Care Act 2014

There are new duties for local authorities, as well as changes to how care is charged for, who has to pay and how much people will have to pay towards their care.

The Care Act 2014 is the single largest change to health and social care policy for a generation. It brings together a number of existing laws and introduces new duties for local authorities with the aim of ensuring that wellbeing, dignity and choice are at the heart of health and social care across the Country.

The Act brings those funding their own care into the care system and local authorities have responsibilities to provide all people living in their area with information and advice to make good decisions about care and support, to provide them with universal services and undertake assessments, which are based on need – regardless of their financial resources.

You can find further information about the act in the following documents.

Key Documents:

  • Care Act 2014 Workshop
  • Care Act Presentations from by Frances Billingham, Policy Officer (NCC) and Mark Major (CEO of Northamptonshire Carers)
  • Age UK - The Care Act 2014 The impact of the Care Act on the work of Healthwatch
  • Department of Health Factsheets 
  • Easy read description of The Care Act 
  • Summary of The Care Act


Find out more about The Care Act 2014

Summary of The Care Act 2014 Workshop
Presentation by Frances Billingham, Policy Officer - NCC
Presentation by Mark Major, CEO - Northamptonshire Carers
Presentation by Stephen Lowe, Policy Advisor - Care Services, Age UK,
Factsheet 1 - General responsibilities
Factsheet 2 - Who is entitled to care and support
Factsheet 3 - Assessments and eligibility
Factsheet 4 - Care and support planning
Factsheet 5 - Charging
Factsheet 6 - Funding reform
Factsheet 7 - Safeguarding
Factsheet 8 - Carers
Factsheet 9 - Continuity of care
Factsheet 10 - Market oversight and provider failure
Factsheet 11 - Transitions
Making sure the care act works - Easy Read
Care Act Summary Sheet

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