Young people aged 16 and 17 urged to take up the offer of the COVID vaccine
Young people aged 16 and 17 can access their vaccine in the following ways:
- Find a drop-in clinic near them at
- If they are within three months of their 18th birthday, book an appointment at a local clinic online at or by calling 119
- Wait to be contacted by their GP practice with details of how to get their vaccine
Drop-in sessions for people aged 16 and over are being held at several locations around Northamptonshire over the coming days, including in Brackley, Corby, Kettering, Northampton, Rushden, Towcester and Wellingborough.
Chris Pallot, Director of Northamptonshire’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, said:
“Over the past few weeks we’ve been pleased to welcome thousands of 16- and 17-year-olds to get vaccinated at local drop-in clinics or via their GP practices – and there are plenty more opportunities to grab a jab in Northamptonshire over the coming days.
“It’s really important to take up your offer of the vaccine, not just to protect yourself from coronavirus but for the sake of your loved-ones as well. Although the virus is usually mild in teenagers, some young people have become very ill from coronavirus and the vaccine is proven to be highly effective at preventing hospitalisation. Young people can also carry coronavirus without developing symptoms which means they can easily pass it on to family and friends – but evidence shows that one dose of the vaccine can reduce transmission by up to half.”
All drop-in sessions for people aged 16 above are also offering second vaccine doses to anyone who had their first jab at least eight weeks previously. Second doses must be of the same vaccine type as the first, and people should check availability, opening hours and eligibility before visiting a drop-in clinic.
Northamptonshire’s COVID-19 Vaccination Centre in Moulton Park continues to offer daily drop-ins from 8am to 6.30pm for people aged 18 and over and those who had a first Moderna dose at least eight weeks ago.